Real Canadian Cedar Homes Real Canadian Cedar Homes Real Canadian Cedar Homes Real Canadian Cedar Homes

Canadian Cedar Home

The reason why selecting a log home made of Canadian cedar - because of:

  • incomparable indoor temperature and excellent living sphere
  • unique odour from the cedar wood
  • absolutely free of vermin and reistant against insect attacks and fungi
  • specially resistant-/ and weather conditions because of the natural oil content in the wood
  • absolutely non-resinous wood
  • the slow up-growth and the annual rings being closely attached one to each other a crack formation may nearly be excluded, i.e. the wood is very strong and stabile
  • only a light change in its colour
  • light linear wood with an unique coloration

Western Red Cedar wood from Canada is the mostly appropriated wood for blockhouse construction!


Model home

See what it means to live in a Real Canadian Cedar Home, take a look at our -»

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Musterhaus Oberndorf / Kitzbühel
Hannes Salcher
Innsbrucker Str. 14d
A-6380 St. Johann in Tirol

Tel.:0043-699 10 80 9000
Tel./Fax: 0043-5352 63000

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